Custom sed Separators29 January 2023·130 words·1 minprogramming tilWhen using sed for a substitution I was under the impression that / had to be used as a separator for the segments.
Using SQL views for soft deleting records21 October 2022·468 words·3 minsprogramming sqlUsing SQL views to manage soft deletes # Soft Deletion: A way of marking a record as deleted without actually deleting anything.
Setting the CDPATH17 August 2022·468 words·3 minsprogramming shellI wonder on a given day how many different directories I cd into… The number is probably quite high.
Guards in Typespecs13 August 2022·203 words·1 minprogramming elixir tilUsing guard clauses in Typespecs to progressively define the types
Polymorphic Records in Ecto15 March 2021·1517 words·8 minsprogramming elixir ectoParameterized types landed in Ecto 3.